Gossip and news are the same thing.
They always have been.
People tell stories.
That's what makes us human.
Come on, Webb.
Connect the dots. Be clear.
People pass a bunch of
stories around. . .
. . .finally they're written down,
then you have religion.
You read the Gospels, they're stories
that completely contradict each other.
Matthew's saying this and Luke's
saying, "No, this is what l heard. "
What's your thesis?
All l'm saying is people are people.
We do what we do. . .
. . .and then we gossip about it.
lt might be great if
we were more noble, but. . .
. . .the stories wouldn't be as good.
And l like gossip. lt's fun.
Well, that was exhausting.
-What'll you do for his paper?
-He's a prick.
Maybe we should do one together.
He lets people do that.
Hey, Travis. How's it going?
Rebecca. Great.
Wonder who she thinks you are?
l don't know, but whoever it is,
l bet he gets laid a lot.
l had an idea for Goodwin's paper.
l think we should start a rumor.
-You mean on purpose?
-Why not? We're good at it.
What's the point?
You know, track it,
see how it grows.
-Like Telephone.
So start a rumor. . .
. . .like Jones is sleeping with us.
That's why we live together.
Yeah, no one would believe that.
Why not?
You never sleep with a girl
long enough to live with her.
Well, l might.
lf Travis took weekends.