
l didn't lie.
l may have made a mistake.

The whole point was, you knew
for sure they didn't have sex.

Well, l'm sorry, all right?
l screwed up. Travis.

This is a mess.
We need to go to the cops.

-We need to tell someone what we did.

Jones, calm down, all right?
Now think for a minute.

What if he did rape her?
l mean, she's saying he did.

lf we tell everyone this is
a hoax, he'll get away with it.

ls that what you want?
lf she filed a complaint, then maybe
she knows something we don't.

lf he did it, police are gonna
find the evidence. lf he didn't. . .

. . .no harm done.
We should just keep quiet.

Yeah. Don't worry about it.
The police know what
they're doing, right?

Thanks a lot.
Don't do it.
Naomi. . .
. . .Beau's here.
l'll talk to him.
-Naomi. Naomi, l need to talk to you.
-Go away.

-Whatever it is that you think l did--
-Get out.

-l'm talking to her. Do you mind?
-Yeah, l do mind!

Get off of me!
Hey, Beau!
Everybody knows what you did!

Get your hands off!
Get your hands off of me!

Beau. Don't worry about it.
Witnesses say he was
bragging about it.

ln interviews, he says that
she said no but meant yes.

The rape kit is inconclusive.
As it turns out, this girl
couldn't be more hooked up.

Her uncle's a councilman,
friend of the mayor. . .
