Anna, go get her.
She's coming to you.
You made a good impression.
She senses your motherly instinct.
Ada! Stop! Stay there!
We're staying at the castle.
Now one, two, three. . .
four, five, six, seven, eight. . .
And the moon rises. . .
l'm going to hit the sack,
so you two can chat.
Chat with us.
No. l'm beat.
l'll see you later.
l'm worried about you.
That's strange.
l'm worried about you.
There are lists of so-called
traitors circulating around Berlin.
With your name on them.
At the very top.
So, so.
And you're flying a Luftwaffe plane
that doesn't officially exist?
And it's said that it does
its practice flights over Russia.
Russian roulette?
l'm a passionate flyer.
l know. . .And l. . .
l'm a passionate writer.
At least until recently.
And now?
What about you?