Princess, we're the guests,
not the owners.
You invited your friend.
l invited my girlfriend.
Where's the difference?
That's easy. Karl invited himself,
whereas you invite people to come
without asking me beforehand.
Now slow down.
The nice baron said:
''Make my home your castle.''
My friends are my home.
l don't want to be
reminded of Berlin.
So that's what's eating you!
Then spit it out.
l'm from Berlin, too.
They are a real success.
Listen. lt says here. . .
''Especially Billie Sunshine
is grand.''
l know.
Wonderful. lt also says:
''The most elegant woman in Berlin.''
Hey guys. You gotta see this.
''Frivolous. Even
the most perverse people blush.''
You look captivating.
Without you,
Berlin is just a provincial hole.
l think so, too.
We are the big hit, Kurt.
At all levels.
What do you mean?
l am charged.
Forget about that now.
We're all together now.
Let's have some fun.
Faster! Faster!
Those two are crazy.
Hurry up! Where are we?
This way!
Wrong! That way!
Time to cool off!
No! Let go!
l can do that, too.
Hold on. lt's my turn.