If he lied to me,
He wouldn't be my son,
Whatever you say.
But I really need your help
You're fond of me,aren't you?
I've done so much for these two men.
For the village
I've slept with my clothes on
I've spent night in the cellar
That's your fault.
I have no choice!
The Jap's threatening suicide!
He won't eat..
Unless his food's made of flour
Otherwise, he'll starve himself
It's mess
If you care about me...
You won't let me leave empty hand,
will you?
That's exactly how you'll leave today
A man going to starve
Let him starve
Japs are monsters anyway
That's no good.
If they starve,
our village is done for
I'd rather die than be a collaborator
What're you talking about?
This guy risks his neck to bring 'em
ask us to look after 'em
And we let'em starve?
What's a collaborator?
That's a collaborator
keep talking,there's no flour!
What's in here?
There's flour inside the chest
in the blue bag.
Who told you that?
who?The one who keep secrets.
He tells me stuff too.
That damn son of mine!
I don't care anyway,
There's none
Auntie£¬How's this?
I'll repay you double what I take
Triple it.There is none
Four times
Five times
and there's still none
How about six?