I said i saw Captain Five.
What did Captain Five say?
He said,
'Haven't i told you what i do?'
I said,'No,i've never met you before.'
Captain Five said,
'Are you from Xia-Village?'
'I'm from Rock-Armour Terrace.'
He said,'Rock-Armour Terrace?'
'We've never left anyone there.
Do what you have to.'
I said,'What's that?'
He said,'You've a blockhouse there?'
'What are you waiting for?
Do the deed.'
So this captain said'do the deed'.
He gestured like this.
'Do it!'
'Do it!'
Tell us again.
What was that gesture?
Was it like this?
Or that?
Like this.
So he meant kill 'em!
What do you mean?
Like this...like this...
Of course he meant kill 'em.
Looks like it!
There's an old saying:
Better to obey than respects to pay.
better obey then.
Old Uncle,if he wanted us to kill 'em,
why didn't he say so?
Why say 'do the deed'?
Men in hidh postions
can't always sat what they mean.
It was so clear!First those guns
yelled out to the brass band.
they tagged the chicken.
What's next?
Better to obey orders.
Did he sat how to do it?
Or who should do it?
No.He doesn't know us.
How could he?
He knows you!
Be thought i was from Lower Village.
Never saw him before.
This is a hard one.
What's so hard?