Guizi lai le

Japs are all bastards.
More water!

I'll throttle 'em
Twist their necks and bury 'em!

Shut up!
Bury 'em?That's an idea.

It's not that i'm afraid.
How can i put this?

It's not right.
Why not?

We were told to look after them.
We can't just decide to kill them.
It's not good.

Besides,that Captain Five
who Liu Wang found.

Didn't drop 'em on us.
His orders don't count.
What if Captain Four or Captain Seven
comes for 'em?What then?

So why don't you go your self?
Go find Captain Four or seven?

Don't be stupid.
Stop looking at me!
If I weren't such a wuss, I'd do it.

We've got to reason this out.
Why? My putty mouth came from my mom,
never true at all.

If I let go of my mouth,
everyone in the village would be dead.

Our village is that famous?
I've kept my mouth shut for over half a year.
I "sensei" this and that all day along to keep quiet
Thats my contribution
That's some hard work.
Hard Work?
You do it then!
Well...Liu Wang
What the heck are you looking at me for?
What should I be scared of?
lets get this straight.

You know the saying
"Stick your neck out"?

Thats me!
I almost died at the entrance
of village, today.

Why do I keep on saying,
out of the village, over the river

Because it makes me sick
I even dream of leave out of the village,
cross the river, leave,cross,leave...

And you scold me for slurping?
Give me that
