Now they're using Little Thresher
three times unlucky!
If something happens, We'd lose out heads?
Of Course!
Get Up, let me ask you,
that two idiots should be killed?
Should, then why didn't you
You didn't kill them£¬
then you are gona kill us?
Where are they from?
You know the guy with the gun?
What the heck are you saying?
I only say stuff I needed to say,
I don't know those guys!
You don't know? Two big guys in the bags.
Need at least two guys to lift one bad.
We need four peeps.
Then we need at least 4 guys,
may be even more.
Can't see anybody at all?
What the heck are your eyes for!
They are closed
Really? You open the door?
You did it with your eyes closed?
No, i closed 'em after
Yuh, You saw it.
No, I didn't see,
it was dark, I couldn't see.
Stop saying shit! Half a year passed,
You think we are idiots?
I have no goodie out of this.
No? I don't think so.
If Not why do You keep on helping them?
You said you'd pay me back eight-told
Where's that coming form?
Yes, we all see through that
see that
see that
All You want is the lives
of our village people.
Whoever wants the lives
of the village people,
I will be waiting for him
He wants my life? How dare he.
He only wants your life, eh?
Stop arguing, will you?
Why can't I? What am I afraid of?
It's been 8 years
since the Japs took over our village.
8 Years, man.
He dare touching me?
My behavior is right and proper
Wherever they should look up to me
screw that,
don't wana argue with him over this.
you speak Japanese, Don't You?
You practice first,
practice with your uncle, go
Japs in Great Wall.
Why hit the kids, Why Not Hit ME!
Don't Cry.
The Truth about this kid in me,
is when the day
when the two men came to village,
me and Da Sun got.
I can't let him kill anybody.
Force us to kill.
Once we kill, you don't
give a rat's ass about us.
Freaking scared of Da Sun.
so,they'are still alive