Guizi lai le

The people here gave up their own rations
to keep us live these six months.
That woman even dressed my wounds.
She'd got feelings for me.
Happy new year
She'd do the same for me if Iwas wounded.
Don't be shameless!
Stop it! Stop it!
it's not goning to save your fucking life.
i've got an idea
Hanaya says,if we take them back home,
we'll get two carts of arain.
it'll be New Year's Day every day!
Lives for grain
you go
you first
you first
I say no deal
I agree. NO deal
NO deal
whay not?
doesn't fell right
I say,let's do it.
EHy not?
I said it: doesn't fell right
That's not enough.
WHat'll we gain by doing it?
you say no, take 'em home yourselves.
What'll we gain?
You tell us what the disadvantages are?
What id that guy comes back for 'em?
He said he'd be here on New Year's Eve.
half a year has passed.
What if he never comes?
We gonnakeep 'em our whole lives?
Does a deal count as collaboration?
you always throw that word around.
You help Japs kill Chinese,
you're a collaborator.

But asking them for some grain?
If you return the Jap but
don't ask for gain,

that's collaboration!
Who grew it anyway?
We Chinese did!
We've our backs to the sun.
Our sweat flows,irrigating the soil.
Why should the Japs get it for freee?
I take grain from
their mouths and put it in ours.

And not just ours,
All our relatives
will get their share.
