"to return trumphant.
How can I die before victory?"
"THe bugles play."
"The Flags float like a sea"
"Thinking of today's battle, "
of my comrade covered inblood
dying with a smile,
Long Live the Emperor
his last,unforgettable cry
A happy occasion lifts the spirts!
Just now,the emperial Army
has played music and sung a song
What shall we do in turn?
I am an old man,willing to
make a fool of myself
I'll sing for you
'The flowers and willows
love the spring sunshine'
"The moon and wind love the autumn chill"
"The young maid loves the talented man."
"The hero loves valour."
I forget the rest.
"You an I,we are an egg."
I'm the white and your're the yolk
The white surrounds the yolk