Hi, Leone. I hope my technique
is as good as Kyle's.
Here Leone, take this ring
as a sign of my... affection.
Just introduce me and I'll do the rest.
Now or never.
Florian, what are you doing here?
I was invited... remember?
Oh, yeah, but...
Oh, 'Whiffy'...
Whiff-whiff back away.
Get down 'whiffy'.
Whiffy'! Stop!
Are those for me?
Well, since you're here
you might as well come in.
It's a nice house.
I'll put the flowers in that corner
over there. Right next to mom's
priceless porcelain figurine collection.
Now, stop!
He becomes so jealous when
I mention mom's porcelain figurines.
Let's tend to business before
I become tenderloin for that mutt!
I'll be right back.
I'll get some water for the flowers.
I got this to show...
Sorry, but I totally forgot
I invited you here.
I'd like to offer you something to
drink but Kyle will be here any minute