Leave criminal history
wide open.
Go under distinguishing marks.
Select for body alteration.
- What, like tattoos?
- No.
Something with hooks.
Try body piercing.
Sherlock fucking Holmes.
Print the file.
- It's the last door on the left.
- Thank you.
Another happy customer?
So she won't be giving head for a while.
What can I do you for?
Let's talk
about the box.
What box?
Little gold box
about four inches square.
- Jay Cho told me I could find it here.
- He did, huh?
- Mm-hmm.
- Jay Cho.
You tell Jay Cho
something for me.
You tell him the Engineer wants his
money or he wants his property back.
You tell Jay Cho the next time
I see him I'm gonna rip his head off.
And he'd still be better off
dealing with me than with the Engineer.
Take it easy, pal.
I'm not Jay.
"Take it easy. "
Who the fuck are you?
I'm that guy.
Why don't you tell me
about the Engineer, Leon.
- Leon?
- No way.