Leon, you just
got off parole.
And Jay Cho is dead.
His body was ripped apart by hooks that
were big enough to snag a great white.
Guess what.
Your fingerprints were on that box.
He wanted it.
Jay Cho wanted that goddamn box.
He tried to buy it,
and when he couldn't afford it
the motherfucker stole it off of me.
- He couldn't afford it? Jay Cho had money.
- Not enough.
- Why is the box so expensive?
- I don't know.
- Why did Jay want it so bad?
- I'm just a middle man. I was just taking offers.
Holding it for the Engineer?
The box is his, isn't it?
Look, man,
you can arrest me,
you can take me downtown, beat the shit
out of me, do whatever the fuck you want,
but there is no way I'm gonna
talk to you about the Engineer.
That's okay, Leon.
I'll find him, whether
you talk to me or not.
Hunt for the Engineer...
and the Engineer
will hunt you.
If you lost this guy's box,
you may be in a world of shit yourself.
Don't forget about me, huh?
Yeah, I'll send you
some candy at Christmas.
So, are you gonna
frisk me or fuck me?
[Children Yelling,
¤ [Ice Cream Truck]
¤ Cold and sweet's
the only way ¤
¤ To beat the heat
on a hot summer's day ¤
Yeah! All right, man.
You be cool now.
There's my man.
Hey, hey, hey, man!
How are ya?
What'd you hook 'em up with,
Please. I got scruples. With the young
'uns I only deal in the double dip.