Otherwise you just keep crossin' 'em
one after another, you know,
until you're just lost.
We're partners.
And that matters.
That means something to me.
But I can't do this,
I'm gonna tell the captain
about Daphne,
about wipin'
your prints off.
I'm gonna tell him
what we did.
I believe
you didn't kill that girl.
Tell him with me.
It's the right thing
to do.
[Sighs] Well, you're right
about one thing, Tony.
I didn't kill that girl.
And I'm not gonna let anything get
in the way of me finding out who did.
Where's your pen?
Your pen.
The one with your initials on it.
The one your wife gave you.
I don't know.
That's right. It's probably
at the crime lab by now.
Forensics picked it up.
You left it at the scene.
And that, um, last pack
of cigarettes you smoked,
the one with your fingerprints
all over the wrapper...
You left your smokes
there too, Tony.
- You took my cigarettes?
- No.
No, no, no.
You came to me, remember?
- I what?
- Yeah.
Yeah, 'cause you
fucked some whore...
and, holy shit, found her
dead the next morning.
You asked me to help you wipe
the place clean, cover your tracks.
I should never have done it,
but as anyone knows,
I am nothing if not a loyal partner.
You have two years
in the precinct.
Now, who do you think they're
gonna believe, me or you?
Especially considering
all the evidence.
You fuckin' scumbag.
You planned it?
You fucked me, and you planned this?
Nobody is gonna get fucked.
You see,
that is the beauty of it.
When the crime lab
files its report,
I'll tell the captain that you were
shaken up by what we found at the scene.