- Oh, boy, oh, boy.
- That´s whatyougot to say is,
"Oh, boy"?
lmean, bravo.
- Laura, this isjust so dumb.
l mean, you should...
- Look, Rob.
l gotta go.
Um, I'm looking for a record
for my daughter for her birthday.
"l Just Called to Say I Love You".
Do you have it?
- Yeah.
- Great.
- We have it.
- Great.
- Can I have it then?
- No. No, you can´t.
- Why not?
- Well, it´s sentimental, tacky crap,
that´s why not.
Do we look like the kind ofstore that
sells "l Just Called to Say I Love You"?
Go to the mall.
- What´s your problem?
- Do you even know your daughter?
There´s no way she likes that song.
Oh... Uh, oh, is she in a coma?
Oh, okay, buddy. I didn´t know it was
Pick On The Middle-Aged Square Guy Day.
My apologies.
I'll be on my way.
Nice, Barry. Really, really nice.
That wasjust top class.
Rob. Top Five Musical Crimes
Perpetrated by Stevie Wonder
in the'80s and'90s. Go.
Sub-question: ls it, in fact, unfair
to criticize a formerly great artist
for his latter-day sins?
ls it better to burn out
than to fade away?
-Barry, I'm fucking broke, man!
-Jesus! He was gonna buy one record,
which we didn´t even have, and then
leave and never come back again anyway.
-That´s not the point.
What did he ever do to you?
-He offended me with his terrible taste.
lt wasn´t even his terrible taste.
lt was his daughter´s.
Are you defending that ass-muncher?
Come on, Rob.
You´re going soft in your old age.
Now all ofa sudden
I'm offending your golf buddy.
I'm gonna tell you something
foryour own good, pal.
That´s the worst fuckin´ sweater
I've ever seen. lt´s a Cosby sweater.
A Cosby sweater!
Did Laura let you leave the house
like that, because...
- Hey...
- Hey! Hey!
- Fuckin´ asshole.
- What are you do...
- Shut up. Will you shut up?
- Uh...
- Will you?
- break it up.
- You´re a fuckin´ maniac.
I swear to God, ifyou tore this thing,
it´s vintage, and I would
fuckin´ sockyour nose.
You´ll pay big.