´Cause l
She should´ve done it on
The NumberFour with a Smile.
Wasn´t her record called
NumberFour with a Smile?
- That´s what I said.
- No, no. You said
"The NumberFour with a Smile. "
There´s no "The" at the front
ofthe title ofthe album.
lt´s a reference to
a Chinese meal in Toronto...
uh, so I think that there is "The,"
but I could be wrong.
- You can be, and are, wrong.
- Wanna tellyou lloveyour way
l wanna be withyou
night andday
l wanna date a musician.
-'Cause l
- I wanna live with a musician.
- Feelthatyou
- She´d write songs at home
and ask me what I thought of´em...
and maybe even include one ofour
private littlejokes in the liner notes.
Maybe a little picture of me
in the liner notes.
Just in the background somewhere.
- Don´t hesitate
- Yeah.
- So, um, do you live in Chicago now?
- I do.
Do you love it?
You should come to our record store.
- Championship Vinyl.
- Oh, my God, yes. Oh, you´d love it.
- We sell a little bit
ofanything that matters.
- He owns it. lt´s on Milwaukee.
- Rock, soul, trip-hop, salsa.
- Ska, techno and pop.
- Will you come?
- Yeah, Marie.
- Okay, okay.
- Sounds good.
- Championship Vinyl.
- Championship Vinyl.
- Enjoyed your set.
- Barry, why´d you tell her
about the store, man?
- Oh, man, I'm sorry.
l didn´t know
it was classified information.
l mean, I know we don´t have
any customers, but I thought
that was a bad thing...
not, like, a business strategy.
Rob?lt´s Liz.
Just calling to see if,
you know, well, you´re okay.
Look, I'myourfriendtoo,
so I'm not taking sides. Yet.