- Four grand or so.
- and have not, as ofyet,
repaid any of it.
The bastard!
that shortly before she left me...
l told her that I was kind of
unhappy in the relationship...
and maybe sort of looking around
for someone else.
He was "sort of, maybe"
looking around for somebody else.
- Did I do and say those things?
- Yes.
- No!
- Yes, I did.
l am a fuckin´ asshole.
- That´s it.
- Liz... No. Sit down.
Sit down.
That´s shocking.
That is shocking.
First ofall, the money.
Laura had it and I didn´t.
And she wanted to give it to me.
I've never been able to pay her back
because I've never been able to.
Just because she moved in
with some Supertramp fan...
it doesn´t make me
five grand richer.
And number two, this stuff about me
half-looking around for someone else?
She tricked me into saying it.
We were having this State-of-the-Union
type conversation...
and she said, quite matter offactly,
that we were pretty unhappy
at the moment.
And did I agree?
And I said yes.
And she asked me whether I ever
thought about meeting other people.
So then I asked her ifshe ever
thought about meeting someone else.
She says, "Ofcourse". So I admit
that, yes, I daydream about it
from time to time.
Now I can see what we were really
talking about is her and lan...
and she suckered me
into absolving her.
lt was a sneaky lawyer´s trick
and I fell for it...
because she´s much smarter
than me.
All right, then the pregnancy.
l didn´t know she was pregnant.
Ofcourse I didn´t.
l didn´t know
because she hadn´t told me.