High Fidelity

I see.
Well, maybe it´s my mistake.

I've got to go now, Bob.
Okay, bye-bye.

Who loves the sun
Alison married Kevin!
I am fine now!
Married her junior high school

Kissed me on the bench. Kissed Kevin
on the bench. Married Kevin.

This is great!
This has got nothing to do with me.

This is fate.
This is destiny.

It is beyond my control,
beyond my fault. I love this!

I want more. I want to see the others
on the big top five.

I wanna see Penny and Charlie and Sarah,
all ofthem, you know.

Just see'em and talk to'em,
you know, like a Bruce Springsteen song.

You call, you ask'em how they are,
and you see ifthey´ve forgiven you.

Yeah, and then...
and then I'd feel good.

And they´d feel good.
No, they´d feel good maybe,
but you´d feel better.

I'd feel clean and calm.
That´s what you´re looking for.
You wanna get ready to start again,
that´d be good foryou.

Great, even.
You´d give that big fi nal "good luck
and goodbye" to your all-time top five
and just move on down the road.

Good luck. Goodbye.
Thanks, Boss.
Penny is as beautiful as she was in high
school and really grown into herself.

She reviews movies for a living,
which is unassailably cool...

even ifshe does make these little notes
with this little flashlight pen.

We have a good time,
and we hate the same actors,
and everything´s going great.

She tells me about her life.
l tell her about mine.

We both get it.
We both relate.

And then, with no real explanation,
l just launch into it.

I tell her about how Laura
wanted to sleep with lan and not me...

Charlie wanted to sleep with Marco
and not me...
