Alison Ashmore wanted Kevin Bannister
and not me.
And you, you wanted to... you wanted
to have sex with Chris Thompson...
and not me.
And I was helping...
hoping you could help me understand
why this keeps happening...
why, you know, I'm doomed to be left,
doomed to be rejected.
Do you understand?
Well, Rob, uh, I was crazy about you.
I wanted to sleep with you one day,
but not when I was 1 6.
You know, when you broke up with me...
you broke up with me
because I was, I was...
to use your charming expression,
I cried and I cried and I hated you...
and when that little shit bag
asked me out and I was too tired
to fi ght him off...
it wasn´t rape, because I said okay,
but it wasn´t far off.
You know I couldn´t have sex until after
college because I hated it so much?
That´s when you´re supposed
to have sex, Rob... in college!
And now you want to have
a little chat about rejection.
Well, fuckyou, Rob.
God, she´s right.
I broke up with her.
l rejected her.
That´s another one I don´t have to worry
about. I should´ve done this years ago.
Ma´am, could I get the cheque, please?
Next up, Charlie.
But I'm not quite ready for that...
so I go directly to number four
on the all-time breakup list.
Sarah, my partner in rejection
who rejected me.
- Hi, Rob.
- Hi.
Nice to see you.
- Hi. Okay, yeah.
- Nice to see you.
- Yeah.
- You want me to come...
- You wanna...
- Sure.
- You wanna...
- Yeah.
- Yeah, let´s go out a bit.
I can´t believe I left you for him.
- Probably seemed like a good idea
at the time, Sarah.
- Yeah, I don´t know why, though.
- Are you seeing anybody?
- Um, no, yeah.
- No?
- Yeah. I mean, I'm not...
- No.
I am. I'm in between things.
How are you doin´?