Hollow Man

Well, I think she's going to be okay.
-Come on. Right in there.
-Come on, lsabelle.

Go ahead. Good girl.
Look how peaceful she is.
It seems like nothing happened to her.
Schedule a vivisection for Monday.
I want to check her neuropathways.

You just brought her back
and you're gonna slice up her brain?

I'm not running a goddamn zoo!
-You're a fucking unethical bastard.
-Tell her you're kidding.


I won't cut her for another week.
Don't be such an asshole.
We finally have something
to celebrate.

-Cool. I'm hungry, let's go.
-Me too.

We should cut you up.
Ladies and gentlemen,
a moment of your time, please.

Here it comes.
To the finest research team
I have ever known.

There was a big explosion,
and afterward she said:

" lf you're so smart, how come
you're still in the second grade?"

-She grew her eyebrows back?
-In a month.

-How long were you suspended?
-A month.

I thought you'd gone.
There's nowhere to go.
Did I miss something?
Aren't you supposed to be happy?
Reversion was the last breakthrough.
Feels like the beginning of the end.

That's not true.
We've got a lifetime of data.

Matt has the patience to crunch
the numbers, but you know me...

...l need this grandeur
and the spectacle.
