Hollow Man

Are you looking at me?
No reason.
-What was the clientele like?
-This guy comes up to me and he says:

" I like my women like my coffee."
People still use that line?

-Maybe he meant cold and bitter.
-Very funny.

I gotta take a leak.
Keep Carter away from my food.

-I'll try, but I can't promise.
-All right.

It'd be freaky, but it'd settle down.
No, what would you do if you knew
you couldn't be seen?

It gives me the creeps. I can't take
a piss without wearing my thermals.

-Like anyone wants to see that.
-How do I know?

Are you asking what we'd do
or what Sebastian would do?

The difference?
There's human nature,
then there's Sebastian.

He's always joking that he's God.
Imagine what he'd do if
left to his own devices.

Scary thought.
-Thankfully, it's almost over.

It's just beginning.
You think Sebastian's bad?

Imagine if the military
gets their hands on this.

Better our military than
someone else's.
