My 5th grade teacher told me that
genius is getting from A to D...
...without having to go
through B and C.
Sebastian can do that.
But me, I gotta have the B and C.
Hold on, Sebastian.
We're almost there.
Come on, guys. Out of the way!
I can't take much more testing.
I know how hard it is.
Bullshit. You don't know anything.
This isn't easy for any of us.
Fuck you, Matt! It is easy for you.
I was to be in phase-shift
for three days.
It's been 1 0 fucking days, all right?!
Ten days of tissue tests, radiation
tests and your fucking needles!
I can't fucking take it anymore.
-What I meant was--
-Fuck what you meant!
And don't ever--
Don't ever tell me
how hard you have it.
There she is.
I'd suck the tits right off of you.
Dr. Caine, what's going on?
Just stopped by to let you know
I'm going out for a while.
Wait. Going out?
Hold it a second. Dr. Caine.