Szaporán ver.
- EIfogadható.
- Itt is.
A bioeIektromos mutatók stabiIak.
Müködik! TényIeg!
- Hát persze!
- Na ne!
Szaporább. FéI.
Még jó.
AzonnaI reagáIt a szérumra.
A szer gyorsan hat.
Zuhan a vérnyomás!
PuIzus magas!
Elevated heartbeat.
-We're still in the green.
Bioelectric energy and quantum
shift indicators are stable.
We're getting cellular reaction.
It's working. It's actually working.
-Of course it is.
-Don't get cocky.
Heart rate's up. She's scared.
It's okay.
Subject began manifesting immediately.
Protocol's acting quickly.
Goddamn it, blood pressure crashing.
Pulse high.