I remember many when I'm in a fury
I know a nurse
used to work in a night club
Wanna die? Don't speak so loud!
Don't scare me
What then?
Wait tomorrow at 7am in Seven
See the dog now
You stole the dog, didn't you?
No. I haven't do bad stuffs for long
Shit! Don't bite my nipples!
Why does it bite your nipples?
It likes biting nipples
Little Girl. Give me scissors
Don't cut my nipples! I work on them!
We used to be first lovers
You only give me this?
It bit my nipples! Any money?
Just give me $3500 to see a doctor
It hurts!
We used to be first lovers
You silly guy
Moses Tsang's not that normal
He call the dog to bite you
Do you think you have magic?
If you can
then call the dogs in
Macau run faster!
Feel strange that I'm with a vet?
He's more fierce than F4
Who trusts you?
He just pretend his identity
Do you know what he's doing?
He's selling drugs
Drugs are nothing to do with vet
Try killing the animals...
and putting the drugs in
Can you see it?
Sure. You think he's that foolish?
You think I'm foolish! Cheat me?
Fai, to be honest...
I'm owing him money...
or I won't help him wash the animals
I'll take the bath with him, too
So poor?
I tell you. He has two
followers at home
One is Bloody Barry and another
Killer Bug
One day they killed 2 riff-raffs
and leave the body at home
Fine. Freud said richness is found
from danger