How the Grinch Stole Christmas

And if the truth be told, he....
He liked Martha.
Martha was my girlfriend.
l don't like discussing this Grinch
so very close to Christmas, but...

...maybe if you hear the truth,
you'll understand why--

Put your back into it!
l tried to take him under my wing.
You don't have a chance with her.
You're 8 years old and you have a beard!

He had hair. Not pleasant.
He shed.
Not right.
You know, Christmas
is my favorite time of year.

l just love the colors.
The red...
...and the green.
Did I have a crush on the Grinch?
Of course not.
l didn't ask you that.
Forsome reason,
when he came home that day...

...he really gotinto the Christmas spirit
for the first time.

What a lovely family heirloom!
The fires of love!
This will be perfect on the top of her tree.
Oh, Martha! Oh, Christmas!
I wantyou all to look your best tomorrow.
You don't have a chance with her.
You're 8 years old and you have a beard!
