The unmitigated gall!
You called down the thunder...
...now, get ready for the boom!
Gaze into the face of fear!
Mr. Grinch...
...my name is Cindy Lou Who.
You see?
Even now the terror
is welling up inside you.
l'm not scared.
Denial is to be expected
in the face of pure evil.
l don't think so.
Another unmistakable sign
of the heebie-jeebies!
Now you're doomed!
Run for your life...
...before l kill again!
l'm a psycho!
Danger! Danger!
Maybe you need a time-out.
Kids today.
So desensitized by movies and television.
What do you want?
Mr. Grinch, l came to invite you...
...to be holiday cheermeister.
-''Holiday Whobie-what-y''?
''Cheermeister. Celebrate with friends.''
That's a good one.
l know you hate Christmas,
but what if it's all just a misunderstanding?
-Don't care.
-l myself am having some Yuletide doubts.
But maybe if you reunite
with the Whos and be a part of Christmas--