I Dreamed of Africa

I was nearby. A bridge repair in Treviso.
Come in.
If it's no trouble.
No, no, of course not.
It must be great to be home at last.
He remarried. I think they're in the States.
And he keeps in touch with Emanuele?
Not even when we were married.
So you came back to live here?
It seemed easiest.
I run things here for my mother.

She's too busy between the museum
and the university.

And I like to be home for Ema.
You know, when he gets out of school.
That's Lake Rudolf. And is that you?
That's me.
My father spent a lot of time in Africa
when he was younger.

He wanted me to see
all the places he loved.

I was managing a ranch there
with my brother.

Near Kilimanjaro.
He had an accident out there.
What happened?
I'll tell you one day.
Anyway, the idea was to learn the ropes,
buy a place.

I felt I belonged there. I was at peace.
After the accident,
I told myself all the usual things.

How lucky I was to be alive.
Pep, Pep! Come quickly.
