Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport

l think everybody was petrified.
I aIso remember very vividIy
that they were beating up the rabbi.

And they had fetched the Torahs
out of the synagogue.

And I think they were trampIing on them.
l took my bicycle
and went to school as always.

There was no Jewish business
that l passed...

...that wasn´t broken into.
The merchandise was either on the street...
...or looted completely.
As I got cIoser to schooI...
...I saw huge piIIars of smoke...
...coming from the sections...
...where the two big synagogues
in Frankfurt were.

And l saw that they were on fire.
Our schooI happened to be just opposite
on the street where the synagogue was.

l was dragged out
with the stream of children.

Everybody went to the playground...
:17:15 watch these flames.
And suddenly somebody said:
"´There´s a Jew!
Let´s throw her on the fire as weII! "´

l don´t know how l got home.
l still don´t know today how l got home.

And when I got home
my mother was absoIuteIy shocked.

My father had been arrested.
My father was quite an outspoken person.
When they came to Buchenwald...
...and they took away
all the men´s braces and shoelaces...

...he protested and said,
´´You can´t treat these old people like this. ´´

So they made an exampIe of him.
They beat him to death...

:17:59 front of everybody...
