Thank you.
Communion's off.
What, cancelled?
Yes, you could've had a lie-in.
Never mind, we'll go training.
You could go to the stadium
with them and get some exercise.
No, there's a swimming pool
at the hotel.
I think they spend most of their
time in the restaurant, anyway.
Don't you know anyone hereabouts?
Oh, I won't be here that long.
What about your fellow students?
They're dispersed far and wide.
Your wife was kind.
She was one of the only ones
who ever talked to me.
At the seminary.
They let me do my
last three months there -
because I'd helped
in the prison chapel.
What ... did you go to prison for?
I did three
A video store.
Two garages, two drug stores, -
and the Royal Oak Hotel.
... that's where they busted me.
Are you out of it now?
I couldn't bring myself
to go on the game -
or steal from ordinary people.
That's why it got so dramatic -
with a balaclava
and a butcher's knife and stuff.
Now I have God.
Are you married?
No. But I go to Italian lessons.
Will you come next time?
There's plenty of room.
Strange you should ask.
The receptionist at the hotel -
asked me the same thing.
Jorgen Mortensen?
Yes, he is very helpful.