Don't be cheeky!
No ... But I'd like to start Italian.
You're too stupid to learn it.
Mum managed.
She was Italian. That's different.
It's only once a week.
The council arranges it.
Is it mixed?
Yes ... no, I think
it's mainly women.
That sounds fucking disgusting.
I'm going next time.
If you do,
we no longer know each other.
I'd like a ticket to Italy.
- I'd like a ticket to Italy.
Bravo, Halvfinn.
- Thanks.
Jorgen Mortensen ... would you
like to ask for a ticket to Italy, too?
I would like ... a docket ...
A ticket to Italy...
- ... a ticket to Italy.
You have improved.
Thank you.
Let's hear the ladies ...
Read my lips ...
I would like a ticket to Italy.
Thank you very much!
-Please very much.
Ah, we have a new student.
Signorina, what's your name?
What's your name?
Good evening, Signorina Olympia.
Good evening,
Signorina Olympia.
You'll get the hang of it.
Right, here we are in Italy.