Kirsten ... kisser?
Have you any news of Finn?
It's just that he's left
the stadium restaurant now.
So has the Italian kitchen maid.
So I was wondering ... No?
Hello. Can you all
understand what I'm saying?
My name is Ulrik.
We've searched high and low -
for a new teacher for you.
It hasn't been easy.
But we have succeeded.
We've recruited one internally.
I'm sure you'll be pleased
with our compromise.
Over to you, Finn.
How marvelous
that you agreed, Finn!
Why don't you shut your job?
Always yakking away ...
Right. We were booking
a double room in Venice.
With a bath, yes.
Anything else?
... May I get that?
No. I want two rum Danish.
Yes, Ok.
That'll be 21.50.
Thank you.
... Just a moment.
The bakery ...
Yes? Yes, speaking ...