-I can't. It doesn't want to.
-It's gonna be okay.
-It's not.
-Probably just a period.
What kind of fucking period?
It's been like this for weeks now.
Damn it! I can't understand what's wrong
with it. Completely fucking lame!
-Can't we try again?
-I can be neighbour this time.
-I don't get this neighbour game.
You said it totally wrong too.
You said "fuck" immediately .
No, I went for the coffee,
and then I said it.
Yes, but I didn't have time to react on...
Faster! You have to push now!
But it's just...
Now I missed.
He hitted him twice in the head.
-Away with the stupid videogame!
No, don't answer!
I have to check who it is.
It's my dad.
-Where are you?
-I'll come soon.
I'm leaving now. I'm at a friends place
but I'll be there soon.
Hurry! Is it a girl?
Yes, more, more...
-No, it's Måns.
-You are lying, it's a girl.
-It's Måns girl.
-Come home!
-I'm coming now.
-I gotta go now.
-Are you just gonna leave now?
Damn, Roro, you're not a child anymore.
You're a grown up, right?