
But what is worrying you?
This was bound to happen.
I'll talk to Max.
No! If you do that,
I'll stop meeting you.

- You don't know Max.
- Then what do we do?

- Do we stop meeting?
- Only for 9 weeks.

If you pray with a true heart for 9
Wednesdays, God grants your wishes.

- You believe this?
- Yes.

- I believe it.
- But I believe in the truth.

And the truth is that
we love each other.

We can never meet unless
we do something ourselves.

Even God can't do anything!
I've done 3 Novenas. For my sake
wait for another 6 weeks.

All right.
The crazy heart cries
for you every moment.

It neither sleeps nor
stays awake without you.

It often calls out to you.
Can't control the heart.
Yes, oh yes...
I concede defeat to the heart.
