My consultations last
longer than anyone else's.
Sometimes women are barren
because they have disregarded
the laws of purity.
Almighty God,
I heeded your commandment
and observed the days of separation.
I counted the seven days.
Today I am ready to heed
your commandment,
to purify my body.
I shall go down into the water
and in your mercy,
my body shall be washed
in the pure water,
and my soul cleansed
of all blemish and vanity.
For it is written:
"I have sprinkled you with water
and made you pure. "
My God,
why have you forsaken me?
Far from my salvation
and the words from my mouth...
I call by day
and you do not answer,
At night I know no silence.
You dwell in the praise of Israel,
My fathers believe in you
and were delivered.
They called to you
and were saved...