Meir, don't you feel...
Don't you feel...
we're on the verge
of a new age?
That something is coming?
Are you getting ready for it?
Do you pray?
Yes. - You must pray.
Do you fast?
Do you meditate?
Make up your mind.
Do your duty.
You know our laws.
You know that the only
task of a daughter of Israel
is to bring children into the world.
To give birth to Jews,
and enable her husband to study.
God created man to study the Torah.
The woman plays an indirect part
in fulfilling the Torah,
by keeping his home clean,
preparing his meals,
and especially,
by raising his children.
A woman's only joy
is raising his children.
Children are our strength.
With them...
we will vanquish.
The others.
The godless.
The secular government,