Keeping the Faith

Just remember:
spectacles, testicles, watch, wallet.

I bet you're wondering what makes two
kids wanna become a priest and a rabbi
in this day and age.

Well, you know, people don't talk
that much about a calling any more...

but I just knew it was something
I was supposed to do.

And even way back then,
everybody just seemed to feel good
bringing their problems to me.

My parents had basically given up
on children when I came along...

so my mother always called me
her gift from God.

That really stuck with me, and when
I was eight I told her I had a feeling
I was supposed to return the favour.

She was so happy, she cried.
My dad just wanted to know
if working for God came with dental.

Now, Jake's sense of a calling
might not have gelled as early as mine.

Religion was really more
of a hobby for him at first.

Got it. Got it.
Need it. Need it.

Got it. Got it.
Need it. Got it.

Jake was just one of those
special kids, you know.

He was smart, popular.
Everything came easy to him.
He just had that kind of aura about him.

You took one look at this kid
and you knew he could do anything
he wanted with his life.

Jake's family had been in the investment
banking business for three generations.

His father and his brother Ethan
both tried to convince him
to join them at the family firm.

I think he gave it some serious thought,
but in the end he decided he wanted
to do something different with his life.

When he made his decision
to become a rabbi, he did it
with great confidence and resolve.

I don't want to listen to any of you!
Jake and I went off to seminary
the way other guys go off to the army
or the Peace Corps.

It was an adventure.
Newly ordained as masters of theology,
we were both assigned
back to New York City...

where we quickly confronted
the practical aspects of our jobs.
