Oh. Hey, this is a great place.
This is really--
- My lair.
- really nice.
- I'll be ready in a second.
- A lot of space.
I know.
Thanks, Daddy. Right?
You go, girl.
No pain, no gain.
Oh. Tuesdays with Morrie.
I love that book.
I'm ready.
- Oh, do you, uh, do these tapes?
- Are you kidding me?
- No.
- Are you kidding me?
- Hmm. No.
- These tapes are my life.
Exercise is like a religion to me.
No pun intended.
- Feel my abs. Not bad, right?
- Ouch.
- Punch me.
- Excuse me?
- You heard me.
- Um, I-I'm not gonna punch you.
I think you will find, Rabbi Schram,
that this princess is no pushover.
I can tell. And, hey, come on.
Call me Jake. All right?
Okay, let's get a few things
straight here, Jake.
One: I like you a lot.
And unless my radar is completely
on the blink, I think you like me.
- Well, I mean, we-- we just met, but--
- Two: I am many things.
No one thing defines me.
Are we clear about that, Jake?
- Yes.
- Then let me have it.
- I'm not gonna punch you.
- Punch me!
-You're a girl. I'm not gonna punch you.
-Hit me. I can take it.
- I'm not scared.
- I'm sure-- I know you're not.
I just-- You're a girl, and--
- What, are you some kind of wuss?
- No, I'm not a wuss--
- But I'm not gonna punch a--
Oh. All right.
- Little wuss, little wuss,
Oh. Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
- You sure?
-J-Just get my bag.
- Okay. Uh, you said you could take it--
- Fine!
That's wonderful.
Th-That headband's so cool.
- Oh, I'm so glad you noticed.
- Yeah. What is that?
- It was-- It was beaded
by the mentally retarded.
- Oh, really?
- Yes.
- Really? 'Cause it looks
really good, though.
- Oh, n--
Well, they're heavily supervised.
- Uh-huh.