Keeping the Faith

About a hopeless romantic
We have a Jake Schram here
for Anna Reilly.

Yes? Okay.
Hey, you know, I'm gonna be coming here
a lot, so maybe in the future we don't
have to do this whole name thing...

and you could just say, "Hey, Jake,"
and I could say, "Hey, T-Bone."

- That pass is good for one hour.
- Okay. Thank you.

Wednesday night, you have
a due diligence call at 7:00...

and a dinner at 8:00.
All right. I'm make the call,
but cancel the dinner. I have a class.

Oh, he's late.
Oh, my God.
Are you guys getting serious?

- No, no, no, no, no, no.
- Yes, you are.

- No, we're not.
- I saw it. I can tell.

- No, no, no.
- I--
- Oh, it's-- He's here.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Uh, Debbie, this is Jake.
Jake, vice versa.

- Hi.
- Hi. How you doing?

Hi, Jake. Can I just say, um,
good-- good for you.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Uh, Debbie?
- Debbie, Debbie, Deb-- What?

- Oh! Th-- Um, the numbers
are good for you, yeah?
- Good.

Good. Just run one more scenario
and assume an eight-percent I RR
and PV it to present day.

- Hi.
- Wow, you're really gonna run
an eight-percent I RR...

'cause I'd go
with a fifteen percent at least.

Stick with the Torah.
Look at this place.
This is ridiculous.

This is so impressive. Wow.
