Keeping the Faith

has been trying to get you to take
her daughter out for months, huh?

Let me tell you, it wouldn't hurt
to call her, because her family
is very wealthy.

- Although she's no Rachel Rose.
- I know, but they could contribute
to the senior centre.

I'm gonna do that, I'm gonna call her,
but right now I'm taking a little break
from the dating and the whole--

- Why?
- It's a little bit too much-- Whoa!
- If this isn't too--

- Whoa!
- Look at--
- What the heck is-- This is--

- Hi. How are you?
- We were just talking about Rachel.

Well, naturally.
Did you all come together?

- No, no, no, no, no, no.
- No.

We-- We just-- We just-- This--
This is why I love New York.

- Yeah, it's true.
- Well, these are my movie girls.

- Hi.
- Hi.
- This is Roz and Chaya Lentz.

- Yes. Hi.
- We're gonna see that Garcia picture.
Andy Garcia.

- We are.
- Oh, so are we.
- Oh.

- Hi, Rabbi.
- You know, my daughter's been back
from Libya like a week.

- Right.
- Yeah, she told me that she called you
a couple of times.

- Yeah, we've been--
we've been trying to call--
- She's very disappointed...

- We-- We--
- not to connect up with you.
- I know. I'm sorry.

- It's--
- Hey.
- It's been-- Hey, how you doin'?

- Perfect. Great. Um--
- This is your friend?

This is it.
This is my buddy, um--

This is my buddy, Anna.
These are people--

This is Larry Friedman.
He's the president of the synagogue.

- And his wife.
- I've heard so much about you.
- Hi. How are you?

- I'm good. Thank you.
- And Ellen.

- Hi.
- Hello!
- Nice to meet you.

- Pleasure.
- Hi.
- and the Luntzes?

- Lentzes.
- Lentzes.
- Hi.

- And all of these people
are all members of the congregation.
- Got it.

- I don't think I got your last name.
- Reilly.

- Um--
- Reilly?

We, Anna and I and Father Brian,
as children, used to play.

- Isn't that nice?
- What movie are you seeing, Rabbi?

- We're gonna--
We're gonna see the I MAX--
- Andy Garcia.

- He's in that, right?
- No, I don't think so.

- Well, maybe we should go.
- We're going to the same one. Let's go.

I thought he was in that.

Where are the paper towels?
There are no paper towels.
Jesus Christ, lam in a crisis here!
I need some help!

I need someone that can look
around the house...

and when there are no paper towels,
they go to the god dam store and buy
some paper towels!

I mean, how many god dam stores do you
pass on the way home from school...

- that are filled with paper towels?
- You okay?

- Yeah.
- I need someone to use
a little common sense around here!

Why don't you get somebody else?
