
They're tough to roll.
Give it to me, l'll help you.
Don't feel too lonely?
My Belgian grandpa rolled 'em
one-handed in the dark.

Your grandfather was Belgian?
- Mine was a banker in Milan.
- ln Milan?

Yes. l thought you were Polish.
l'm half Belgian, half Polish.
My mother fled the Nazis in Poland.
l was 2 years old.

We escaped to Belgium, to Brussels.
They caught her there.
Before she was arrested

and sent to a camp, she entrusted me
to my adoptive family.
l grew up there.
l never knew l was Jewish.

There you are.
Need a light?
Poor thing, when she returned
from the camp, she looked for me.

When she found me, l didn't know her.
My own mom.

l didn't want to go with her,
so l stayed there.

And grew up in Belgium.
What happened to your mother?
She died six months later,
of a broken heart, it seems.
