Och, help me at this hour.
Bring my beloved home,
Lord knows where he does roam.
Bring him, I reck not how,
Or finish my life now.
Ho, do you wake or sleep?
I'm here, my maid. Don't weep.
My sweet, so it came true.
So long I've thought of you.
Your image did not fade.
Just now for you I prayed.
Leave off those prayers and see!
O leap and run with me!
This moon will be our guide,
I've come to take my bride.
Oh what is that you say?
This late where would we stray?
The wind howls, darkest night,
Shall we not wait till light?
For me the night is day,
And daylight dreaming play.
Before the cock's alarms,
You must be in my arms.