Dammit to hell!
Those pricks are fighting again.
Two gangs from Santo Domingo Savio.
Another saintly neighborhood!
These people became more civilized
in my absence.
At the end,
it's all the same, right?
Guys bite the dust.
You can't say "at the end".
One says
"in the end" or "in any event".
But say what you want,
speak your way.
At the end, it's all the same.
Why do those assholes
from a distant hilltop
come down here to raise hell?
It's about debts.
Those guys who got wasted
were Pablo's people.
Who's Pablo?
Pablo Escobar.
I don't know him.
Is he a soccer pIayer?
You don't know Pablo?
You're putting me on.
Those guys worked for him
as hit men.
He got knocked off.
Now everyone up in the hills
is out of work.
So he was
"a good provider for the people."
Poor Pablo.
They don't Iet anyone
get ahead here.
Stop that cab before it kills us.