La Virgen de los sicarios

Come see the stiff!
That's 2 today!
We're breaking records!

You sell earplugs?
Turn it off!
Someone just got killed.

He wouldn't hand over his car keys!
What an idiot!
To get killed for a car...

That damn hippie!
He kept me awake again Iast night.
It's been going on for days.
I didn't hear anything.
Are your ears wrecked?
Let's see.
Can you hear me now?

Yes, I can.
I want a good Iook at his face.

What for?
There's nothing we can do.
Here everyone screws everyone,
no one respects anyone.

I'II cIose off the terraces
with doubIe windows.

In this heat? No!
Teach him some respect!

One of these nights,
I'II shoot the sonofabitch
from here.

Not from here. They'II know
where the buIIet came from.

Do it in the street.
I'II do it.
I said nothing.
Just forget about it.
