Wow, great!
And don't ask me where I got them.
Where they have Iots.
The army barracks.
I went to see the commander,
whom I addressed as Sergeant, Sir.
They explained
I should address him as "My Major".
Why "my", if he isn't mine?
Now if he were just a buck private,
"My little buck private..."
But a major!
My tastes
don't even go up to sergeant!
You knew which bullets to get?
I took it with me.
It's a Beretta, right?
You're crazy!
You don't have a permit!
Colombia's foremost grammarian
doesn't need a permit.
The major understood that perfectly.
He wouldn't even let me pay
for the bullets.
You're too much.
You should've gotten a mini-Uzi.
The Salesian College,
my childhood prison.
I was baptized in that church.
Look who's here.
The Grim Reaper's messenger, Deathboy.
What brings you?
Today they're gonna waste you!
Two guys on a black Kawa.
The driver's wearing a white shirt,
the rider a green jacket.
See you.