La Virgen de los sicarios

To protect their poor-box
and silverware.

And to stop people from sleeping
or smoking crack in there.

For some reason
I never went inside this church.

The house where I was born.
It's exactly the same.
I wonder who owns it now.
We had a pool,
a piano,
two yards and a lemon tree,

and a parrot called Faust.
Too bad. You'll never live
as happily as I did then.

Happiness can't exist in your world
of TV's, ghetto blasters,
punks and rockers.

We gave that parrot altar wine
to loosen its tongue,

then it'd recite the Scriptures.
"Get up, you little bastards!"
It'd say that to wake us up.
My life has slipped away...
They got blood on my house!
They wanted to take you
for a ride!

And on a Kawa!
You gonna buy me a pastry?
A whole box, if you want.
You a Mafioso, or what?
Go get 'em, man.
