Les Glaneurs et la glaneuse

I was born in that farmhouse,
and I'll die there too.

- But not quite yet!
- OK, thank you very much.

Thanks very much, all of you.
I'm mixed up,
you've confused me now.

Yes, I've always gleaned.
I remember, with my grandmother
and my brothers and sisters.

Before, during the war, they had
to glean, they were starving.

They pounded the grain
to make flour,

for bread.
We no longer pick these days,
we no longer glean to eat.

There are still
a few gleaners of corn around.

Gleaning might be extinct
but stooping has not vanished
from our sated society

Urban and rural gleaners
all stoop to pick up

There's no shame,just worries
Yeah, food, grub
It's bad, sad, man
To bend down is not to beg
But when I see them sway
My heart hurts!

Eating that scrap-crap
They've got to live on shit-bits
They've got to frisk for tidbits
Left on the street, leftovers
Rough stuff with no owners
Picking up trash like
the streetsweeper

Zero for us, for them much better
They got to roam around
to kill the hunger

It's always been the same pain
will always be the same game.

In the towns today
as in the fields yesterday

gleaners still humbly stoop
to glean.

But men have now joined
with women

in gleaning.
What strikes me is
that each gleans on his own.

Whereas in paintings
they were always
in clusters, rarely alone.
