my other hand
gleaning heart-shaped potatoes.
Then I took a few home with me.
I looked at them again,
filmed them again.
Then it dawned upon me:
the Good Heart Charity Meals.
Why not organize an expedition
on the day the potatoes
are to be dumped?
When I think of all the food gone
bad that's enough to make me mad
If you've been kicked out
and you're down and out
Then you need food for nought
I take a few for me and my kids,
and we collect together.
I've joined the Charity Meals
because I was unemployed.
I still am but I expect
to start on a trial job soon
and meanwhile, I'd rather
help people than do nothing,
help people in dire straits.
I'm a single mother.
I get food from the Red Cross
and the Charity Meals.
When I see all this go to waste
and that some people
have nothing to eat,
it's really disgraceful.
On that day
they collected almost 7 00 lbs.
At least that's something.
A little later,
almost on the same spot,
we saw a man approaching.
I went over to him and asked him