and I was in free-fall after that.
Divorce, everything?
Yes, and I haven't seen my kids
for almost 2 years.
They're 500 miles away from me.
I can't go and see them.
I don't have a car or a license.
- It's terrible.
- Yes it is.
I think of them every single day.
- Here's Guilene.
- She'll tell you everything.
Did you know that once
they're through picking potatoes,
you're allowed to take leftovers?
- No.
You didn't know?
- It's not allowed.
- Yes it is!
I have something
very important to say:
Why has the Mayor put us here,
I've been here four years,
and now he wants us to go.
He says he was fed up
with us gypsies,
but I want to stay here.
I had an apartment
but it cost too much.
Her first trailer cost her $3 50
and the latest one,
where I am housed at the moment,
$3 5.
We met
when I was working
in a cafe as a cleaning woman,
that's how we met.
So long as there's welfare
money left, OK, but after...
we have to get by somehow.
Then we have to beg
and forage through the trash.
We find food in the garbage.
Good food?
We're badly off. We do find
good food. Which could still be
sold in shops. But they have to
change their shelves.
We take advantage of that,
it's a lucky draw.
But we have to comb
all the garbage cans everywhere
to recover stuff.
See for yourself.