now called the Red Guide.
Surprisingly enough,
Edouard is also a born gleaner,
or rather a born picker.
With his hat on, in his shirt sleeves,
he looks like a Provencal figurine.
Don't tread on the apples!
We take what
the farmers leave behind
or we pick the ripe fruit
on the trees.
This is the best thing you can use
to make good spirits
or good fruit jelly.
I never miss the chance.
How come you, a chef, also pick?
Firstly because
my grandparents taught me to
along fields and roads,
and also because
I then know what produce I get
and where I get it from.
I don't want
refrigerated produce from Italy
which is sold only when someone
feels like saying it is ripe.
As we're talking grapes and wine...
Let's go, Isa!
...we might as well go to
a wine area.
We're off to Burgundy.
On the road,
there are trucks, lots of trucks,
of the kind we loved
when we were kids.
We pass them and gaze at them.
Here's a very big one
passing us, transporting cars,
and here's another one.
And now we are passing him,
we struggle a little
to pass this one.
It's like a child's game.
We're arriving in Burgundy.
Beaune to me
is above all the Hospices
and the painting by Van der Weyden,
The LastJudgment.