Les Glaneurs et la glaneuse

The machine couldn't take
what's too low.

All these tomatoes,
which are just as red
as my bible, the penal code,

all can be gleaned.
And it's not me,
it's the penal code that says so,

in article R-26.1 0. Here:
gleaning is allowed
from sunup until sundown.

First requirement.
The second requirement
is that gleaning
occurs after the harvest.

And here, we can clearly see
the harvest is over.

Paging through
an old law commentary

I happened upon a decree,
or rather an edict,
dated Nov. 2, 1 5 54

which says
just the same as the law today.

It allows the poor, the wretched,
the deprived, to enter the fields
once harvesting is over.

Old documents talk
of the poor, the destitute,

but how are we to consider
those who want for nothing

and glean just for fun?
It's as if they needed
something too.

If they glean for fun, it's because
they have a need for fun.

So if the requirements
and the times are adhered to,

they can glean as the poor used to.
Thank you.
I'll take a walk in the cabbages.

I'll walk my small camera
among the colored cabbages

and film other vegetables
which catch my eye.
